A replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions

Dissemination Tools and Videos

SCREEN Brand package: logo, templates for newsletters and presentations; brand manual (61 Mb zip file)

SCREEN general poster available for download. Click on the left picture to download the pdf file

  • Optimized for A1, A2 and A3 formats.
  • A0 format is possible for posters that can be read at a distance of 2 - 3 meters.

SCREEN flyer in A4 format available for download. Click on the right picture to download the pdf file

SCREEN Newsletter n. 1 available for download.

SCREEN Poster on the assessment criteria for circular economy projects
presented at the circular economy stakeholder platform conference in Brussels on 21st of February 2018. Click on the right picture to download the pdf file, optimized for A0 and A1 formats.
