Specific Objectives
WP1 carries out the effective management of the project and contacts with the EC officers. This Work Package is led by Lazio with some support by Unitus/VelthaThe main objective of WP2 is to develop a methodology for the assessment of regional capabilities in the involved regions, grounding on their existing Smart Specialization Strategies. Based on the identified existing capabilities and best practices, specific synergies and complementarities among sectors, value chains and markets will be identified, in order to highlight and evaluate potential strategic business cases that could significantly contribute to the transition towards new circular economy business models. WP leader is Lombardia
WP3 aims at the identification of synergies and complementarities among the participating regions, in order to definition of a set of specific measures that will be discussed in the second international workshops. WP Leader is Fryslan
WP4 will ensure a wide discussion about the criteria and methodologies developed by the project, first among the participating regions and then enlarged to further European regions. . WP Leader is Navarra
WP5 will develop operational actions to connect the activities of the identified sectors of the involved regions in view of trans-national cooperation along the strategic value chains identified in the previous WPs. WP Leader is Tampere
WP6 deals with dissemination activities that ensure that the project's practical progress and outcomes are widely disseminated to the appropriate target stakeholder audiences, at the appropriate time, via appropriate tools, and the implementation and exploitation activities . WP Leader is Lazio