A replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions


The SCREEN Final Conference was held on 18 and 19 November 2018 in Rome, during the two days' Forum "CompraVerde"(BuyGreen) in Rome, an important event for public and private policies, projects and initiatives on green and sustainable procurement, opened by the Italian Minister of the Environment Mr. Sergio Costa.The conference was organized in two sessions, in order to allow the attendees to participate at the other forum sessions and at the exhibition.

Thursday 18 October h. 09,30 - Institutional session

The institutional session will start just after the opening of the forum and the inaugural greetings given by national authorities, representatives of the EU and the Lazio Region in front of an audience of partners, representatives institutions and other important stakeholders of the event.

  • 11h30

    ntroduction of the SCREEN project and its outcomes - Carlo Polidori, Project Manager
  • Download speech Download presentation

  • 11h45 Keynote speech: "Circular Procurement: a strategy to stimulate circular economy" - Joan Prummel - Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch Ministry of Infrastructures and Water)- Strategic Advisor Circular Procurement
  • Download presentation

  • 12h15 Round table: Cooperation among European Regions for an actual transition towards a circular economy

    Moderator: Bernd Dittmann, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) Member, The European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform Co-ordination Group

    Participants:Ana Abrunhosa, President of Centro Region (Portugal); Gian Paolo Manzella, Regional Minister for the Economic Development of Lazio Region; Mario Nova, Director General for Environment and Climate - Lombardia Region; Eva Garcia Balaguer, Director General for Environment and Territorial Planning- Navarra Region (Spain); Bruno Pacheco, Regional Director of Science and Technology of the Regional Government of the Azores (Portugal)

  • Q&A from the audience

    • Wednesday 19 October h. 14,30 Technical session
      presentation of the final deliverables
      Download the presentations

      • Introduction - Giulio Pattanaro - EASME-European Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises

      • Methodology for Regional Cooperation - Marcello Colledani- AFIL/Lombardy Region

      • Policy Makers recommendation manual-Bart Volkers-Province of Fryslan

      • Operational Plan: SCREEN future steps-Johanna Alakerttula-Tampere Region

      • SCREEN Policy Lab: results and future steps-Carlo Polidori-SCREEN Project Manager>

      • Closing Remarks: Alessandro Ruggieri, Rector of Tuscia University-Lazio

      Carlo Polidori

      Giulio Pattanaro - EASME

      Marcello Colledani

    SCREEN Partners

    Contact: info@screen-lab.eu
