A replicable systemic approach towards a transition to Circular Economy in EU regions

SCREEN Project Meeting in Rome

Partners (click on the photo to enlarge it)

The first SCREEN project meeting was held on 16 and 17 March 2017 in the head office of Lazio region in Rome, with the following agenda:

Day 1
Welcome and introduction - (Carmela Di Giorgio, Coordinator - Reg. Lazio)

Adoption of the Agenda, Project Status, Management issues- (Carlo Polidori, project manager, Veltha)

Introduction of the new project partners

Work done in WP2 and further steps (Reg. Lombardia/Afil - Download presentation, Unitus - Download presentation, Fryslan - Download presentation)

Coffe Break

Task 2.3 Identification of local and cross-regional value chains- 3 different tables with all the participants (Moderated by Afil, Unitus, Fryslan, )

Day 2
Opening Speech of the Regional Minister for the Economic Development Prof. Guido Fabiani

Speech of Mr. Arnoldas MILUKAS, Head of Unit B.2 Environment and Resources (EASME-Executive Agency for SMEs - Download presentation )

Results from the first questionnaire on the synergies between funds (Sara Bergamin, Veltha - Download presentation )

First outlook to the proposal to be discussed in the Policy Lab (Lorenzo Lo Cascio, Reg. Lazio)

First outlook to the Policy Lab: members, working methods and first meeting, (Reg. Lazio/Veltha - Download presentation )

Coffe Break

First outlook to WP3 (Fryslan - Download presentation )

First outlook to the first international workshop, (Lombardia - Download presentation )

Hypotheses on the second international workshop, (KTN)

End of Meeting - Snack Lunch

Contact: info@screen-lab.eu
